March 29, 2007

I Need A Rest !

I feel everything is wrong recently. : (

First, my condition turns into ill-being because I have loose bowels and catch a cold.

The cold brings many abominable symptoms such as the sore throat, runny nose, headaches, and fevers.

Especially, headaches and fevers make me feel dizzy all day.

When I learn something new, I can not realize what I am learning, but get a sensation of giddiness.

The next reason is staying up again and again.

Staying up late is not good to health; in particular, I have had an illness.

Nevertheless, a good deal of reports and assignments need finishing by me, which makes me determine to stay up.

During these days, I know profoundly that my body and sprint have got a limit, so all I have to do is take a rest.

I hope to go to bed before p.m. 11, and it is my only request!

God bless me!

March 06, 2007

A Nap

I took a nap this afternoon because tiredness overcame me.

So tired I was, and I though my spirit got in an extremity of tiredness.

At that time, I decided to clamber up my bed with my faint consciousness, and I considered that it was just a little rest.

Nevertheless, I got the opposite of what I wanted!

The fact was that I slept all afternoon

Scaring me so much and the truth made me feel myself become a pig. : p

However, I am planning to go to bed after finishing this diary.

Maybe I need to introduce myself again.

Hello, guys! I am the PIG, Regina!

I can not image how funny it will be! : D

Forget it!

It is the time that I should sack out, come hell or high water.

Good night, guys.

I wish you to have a wonderful dream in sleeping. : )

March 02, 2007

Say Hello

Welcome to " T h E P r I n C e S s ~* ".

I am the princess, Regina, and I study in Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences in Chang Gung University.

It is so exciting that I set up my first blog in my life.

I think it is a good experience for me.

Whatever, I hope you can enjoy yourself in my blog.

Having fun! : )